drawing a circle
Grease Pencil Circle Tutorial
In this tutorial you will learn how to draw a simple circle, and add noise to a section of it. Just like in previous tutorials you must import bpy and math modules, after that we use the from syntax to import just the uniform function from the random module. We need uniform to generate the random noise.import bpy, math from random import uniformSkip this section if you have already read the previous tutorials, it is just a hack to setup the legacy (blender2.79) grease pencil.
# Create grease pencil data if none exists if not bpy.context.scene.grease_pencil: a = [ a for a in bpy.context.screen.areas if a.type == 'VIEW_3D' ][0] override = { 'scene' : bpy.context.scene, 'screen' : bpy.context.screen, 'object' : bpy.context.object, 'area' : a, 'region' : a.regions[0], 'window' : bpy.context.window, 'active_object' : bpy.context.object } bpy.ops.gpencil.data_add( override ) Palette = bpy.context.scene.grease_pencil.palettes.new(name='my-palette') gmat = Palette.colors.new() gmat.name = 'blue' gmat.alpha = 1 gmat.fill_alpha = 1 gmat.fill_color = [0,0,1] gmat.color = [0,0,0]Prepare the stroke called a, and give it 360 points
layer = bpy.context.scene.grease_pencil.layers.new('mylayer') frame = layer.frames.new(1) ## 1 is the first frame a = frame.strokes.new() a.draw_mode = '3DSPACE' a.colorname = 'blue' a.draw_cyclic = True a.line_width = 8 a.points.add( count = 360 )
Drawing the Circle
The circle is drawn by looping 360 times, where i is an incrementing number from 0 to 359. math.radians is required to convert from degrees to radians, because math.sin requires radians.Noise is applied to part of the circle by the last two lines: the if is checking for when i is greater than 270, and if so then apply uniform noise on the z axis. The function uniform takes a minimum and maximum numbers to generate a random number within that range.
for i in range(360): a.points[i].co.x = math.sin( math.radians(i) ) a.points[i].co.y = math.cos( math.radians(i) ) if i > 270: a.points[i].co.z = uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
Drawing a Spiral
a.points[i].co.z += i * 0.01
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