import bpy, math
## skip reading this hack, it is just to setup grease pencil in blender2.79
if not bpy.context.scene.grease_pencil:
a = [ a for a in bpy.context.screen.areas if a.type == 'VIEW_3D' ][0]
override = {
'scene' : bpy.context.scene,
'screen' : bpy.context.screen,
'object' : bpy.context.object,
'area' : a,
'region' : a.regions[0],
'window' : bpy.context.window,
'active_object' : bpy.context.object
bpy.ops.gpencil.data_add( override )
very transparent blue material
When many circles are rendered on top of each other,
this will give the appearance of a volumetric (cloud like) shape.
The fill_alpha is set very low, to 0.01
Because this block of code is called many times, it is standard to wrap it into a function.
The radius parameter defaults to 1.0, and from the for loop at the bottom, the radius increases with each loop iteration.
def make_circle(radius=1.0):
layer ='mylayer')
frame = ## 1 is the first frame
a =
a.draw_mode = '3DSPACE'
a.colorname = 'blue'
a.draw_cyclic = True
a.line_width = 0
a.points.add( count=360 )
for i in range(360):
a.points[i].co.x = math.sin( math.radians(i) ) * radius
a.points[i].co.y = math.cos( math.radians(i) ) * radius
return layer
create the volume
make_circle returns the unique layer for each circle,
this layer is parented to a new empty object for each loop iteration.
The empty object is then rotated on the x axis.
for i in range(360):
empty =, object_data=None)
lay = make_circle(radius=i*0.1)
lay.parent = empty
empty.rotation_euler.x = math.radians(i)
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